Thursday, November 17, 2011

You're Not the Boss of Me

At some point in our youth, we all made the assumption we were in charge of our own lives. We’ve all been innocent and impish, obstinate and headstrong. We’ve all stamped our feet and yelled "you’re not the boss of me." We’ve all childishly declared “you’re not my parents” or “you can’t make me,” and because we were cute and small – we got smiled at, laughed at, and perhaps even scolded. But behind the reprimands was a small sense of pride … the faint twinkle in the eye that "our" kids will never get pushed around or succumb to peer-pressure. Our kids won’t blindly follow.

But boy oh boy - were we wrong. According to one employee may have to report to as many as 33 people as their boss. Another website even compared the modern boss-employee relationship to the biblical slave-master relationship. So wake up. We are NOT the boss of ourselves. We can’t just encourage children to be independent without giving them the tools to actually do so.

Most of us have to work for others, and we hate it. The question is, were we meant to? Are most of us supposed to be the peasants answering blindly to the surf lords, and if so, is there really anything we can do about it?

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